I have noted that in the latest version of the Grub the file u have to edit to customize the Grub view or to Fix Errors had changed. It is no longer exists inside menu.lst file. Now it is in the grub.cfx file in the same location.
In Identity Server 5.2.0 we have created an interface to generate access tokens. Using that we have developed a sample to generate JWT tokens. You can find that sample under msf4j samples[1][2]. If you are build it as it is you will need to use Java 8 to build since msf4j is developed on Java 8. So you will need to run Identity Server on Java 8 as well. After building the project[2] please copy the jar inside target directory to $IS_HOME/repository/components/dropins/ directory. And then please add the following configuration to Identity.xml which is placed under $IS_HOME/repository/conf/identity/ folder inside tag OAuth . <IdentityOAuthTokenGenerator>com.wso2.jwt.token.builder.JWTAccessTokenBuilder</IdentityOAuthTokenGenerator> Then go to the database you used to store oauth tokens (This is the database pointed from the datasource you mentioned in the $IS_HOME/repository/conf/identity/identity.xml) and then alter the size of the column ACCESS_TOKEN of the tab...
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