Today we keep our users and profiles in several forms. Some times they are in a LDAP. Some uses Active Directory (AD). Some uses databases and etc. WSO2 Products are written in a way any of these format could support. If some one have their own way of storing users and any one can easily plug them in to WSO2 products by just writing a custom user store. In this post I will explain how these user stores works and the other components connected to them. When we discuss about user management in WSO2 world, there are several key components. They are User Store Manager Authorization Manger Tenant Manager In simple user management we need to authorize some user to some action / permission. Normally we group these actions / permissions as groups and assign these groups / roles to users. So there are two kind of mappings that we need to consider. They are User to Role Mapping Role to Permission Mapping User to Role Mapping is managed by user store implementation...