This article is a continuance of [1] . Purpose of this article is to document the steps, issues and solutions to those issues we have to face when installing gluster in EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service). For gluster we need a disk to be attached with the K8s node. In EKS easiest way of implementing this is, adding it to the node configuration. So every time a node comes up, it comes up with a disk attached to the defined path. You can use this path in the topology.josn as mentioned in [1] . Next step is to install gluster using the gk-deploy script. The challenge comes here after. To use gluster in pods, you need to define a storage class. The heketi url mentioned in the storage class definition, should be accessible from master node. But the given heketi url is a cluster IP type k8s service. But in EKS deployments masters are managed by AWS and master don't have access to cluster IPs. So how we can solve this? Actually I tried to contact AWS support on this and I didn't got...