In Identity Server 5.2.0 we have created an interface to generate access tokens. Using that we have developed a sample to generate JWT tokens. You can find that sample under msf4j samples[1][2]. If you are build it as it is you will need to use Java 8 to build since msf4j is developed on Java 8. So you will need to run Identity Server on Java 8 as well. After building the project[2] please copy the jar inside target directory to $IS_HOME/repository/components/dropins/ directory. And then please add the following configuration to Identity.xml which is placed under $IS_HOME/repository/conf/identity/ folder inside tag OAuth . <IdentityOAuthTokenGenerator>com.wso2.jwt.token.builder.JWTAccessTokenBuilder</IdentityOAuthTokenGenerator> Then go to the database you used to store oauth tokens (This is the database pointed from the datasource you mentioned in the $IS_HOME/repository/conf/identity/identity.xml) and then alter the size of the column ACCESS_TOKEN of the tab...