Orion is an open source project and it is under the Eclipse Cloud Development top-level project. It’s an cloud IDE which is available online and also which can be hosted in on premise. [1] [2]. Orion can work with git repos, create git repos or work with local code same as Eclipse. Orion has two repos. For the backend server code [2] and for the client / ui code [3]. Orion server is an osgi server based on eclipse equinox. But the problems are they have not implemented the dropins concept. Because of that adding an external bundle to Orion Server is not straightforward. We have to edit the bundles.info to add a bundle to Orion server. And Orion is using jetty for the servlets. As mentioned Orion is working with Jetty and to add a servlet via a bundle is easy if we use eclipse itself to develop and bundle the package. But if we use maven to build it then the problems arises. What we have to do is add an entry to plugins.xml and package the plugins.xml to the bundle we are creating....